Samantha Novick receives Daily Point of Light Award for her community work in wake of the Parkland tragedy

In the wake of the Parkland school massacre, when 17 bright lights lost their lives in an unimaginable tragedy, 29-year-old Samantha Novick is bearing witness to the idea that love for your neighbors and community is sustaining. As president of The Friendship Journey, the Coconut Creek, Florida resident offers programs that provide services and opportunities … Read more

The First Annual Jaime Guttenberg & Gina Montalto Friendship Brunch

On May 5, 2019, The Friendship Journey held its first annual Jaime Guttenberg & Gina Montalto Friendship Brunch in honor of our beloved friends, Gina & Jaime. The event was a celebration of friendship and inclusion with over $7000 in scholarship funds awarded to graduating volunteers and participants of all abilities.